Hey there, little explorers! Do you want to learn the names of animals in Spanish? Learning these words is not only super cool, but it also helps you discover a whole new world of amazing creatures.
As a Spanish teacher, I’ve seen how much fun kids and grown-ups can have while learning about animals in Spanish. It’s a fantastic way to make learning a new language a real adventure!
Today, we’ll journey through the incredible world of Spanish animal names, and I’ll share some of my favourite tips and resources to make learning them as easy as pie.
Ready to start our adventure? Let’s jump in and explore the fantastic world of animals in Spanish together!
Table of Contents
Don’t forget to also explore our captivating article on How to Teach Spanish to Your Child Like a Pro, crafted to assist your little ones in mastering the basics and enhancing their language skills.
Domestic Animals in Spanish
Let’s start our journey by exploring the world of domestic animals in Spanish, which are the creatures we often see as pets or farm animals.
Pets in Spanish
- perro – dog
- gato – cat
- pájaro – bird
- pez – fish
- hamster – hamster
- conejo – rabbit
- tortuga – turtle
Farm Animals in Spanish
- oveja – sheep
- cabra – goat
- cerdo – pig
- gallina – hen
- pollo – chicken
- pato – duck
- vaca – cow
- toro – bull
- caballo – horse
- burro – donkey
To make learning farm animals in Spanish even more enjoyable, here is an entertaining video for you and your little ones.
With our domestic friends covered, let’s venture into the wild and discover the names of some incredible wild animals in Spanish!
Wild Animals in Spanish
Now, let’s embark on a thrilling adventure into the world of wild animals in Spanish. These fascinating creatures can be found in various habitats across the globe.
Jungle Animals in Spanish
- tigre – tiger
- león – lion
- elefante – elephant
- mono – monkey
- jirafa – giraffe
- hipopótamo – hippopotamus
- rinoceronte – rhinoceros
- cocodrilo – crocodile
Forest Animals in Spanish
- oso – bear
- zorro – fox
- lobo – wolf
- ciervo o venado – deer
- ardilla – squirrel
- mapache – raccoon
- erizo – hedgehog
Desert Animals in Spanish
- camello – camel
- serpiente – snake
- escorpión – scorpion
- lagarto – lizard
- águila – eagle
Mountain Animals in Spanish
- cabra montés – mountain goat
- cóndor – condor
- puma – puma
- alpaca – alpaca
River Animals in Spanish
- nutria – otter
- cocodrilo – crocodile
- salmón – salmon
- castor – beaver
Sea Animals in Spanish
- pez – fish
- tiburón – shark
- ballena – whale
- delfín – dolphin
- tortuga marina – sea turtle
- pulpo – octopus
- medusa – jellyfish
- caballito de mar – seahorse
- cangrejo – crab
- manta raya – manta ray
To help practice and learn more about these amazing wild animals in Spanish, check out this YouTube videos about Wild Animals in Spanish that I recommend for kids and adults alike.
And this video provides names for Sea Animals in Spanish
Having journeyed through the wild, it’s now time to discover some of the most exotic animals from around the world, so let’s continue our exciting adventure!
Animals of the World in Spanish
Our next stop takes us to the realm of exotic animals in Spanish. These captivating creatures come from various continents and islands, each with unique characteristics and charm.
African Animals in Spanish
- leopardo – leopard
- gorila – gorilla
- chimpance – chimpanzee
- cebra – zebra
- suricata – meerkat
- ñu – wildebeest
American Animals in Spanish
- jaguar – jaguar
- perezoso – sloth
- tucán – toucan
- capibara – capybara
- armadillo – armadillo
- caimán – caiman
Asian Animals in Spanish
- panda – panda
- orangután – orangutan
- tigre de Bengala – Bengal tiger
- dragón de Komodo – Komodo dragon
- tapir – tapir
Island Animals in Spanish
- lémur – lemur (Madagascar)
- iguana marina – marine iguana (Galápagos Islands)
Australian Animals in Spanish
- canguro – kangaroo
- koala – koala
- demonio de Tasmania – Tasmanian devil
- casuario – cassowary
- ornitorrinco – platypus
- quokka – quokka
To make learning about these amazing Australian animals in Spanish more fun, I found this YouTube video that shows these cool creatures and also gives you additional Spanish vocabulary about Australia.
Now that we’ve met all those exotic animals, let’s check out some really special animals with unique features and behaviours. Get ready for more exciting discoveries!
Special Animals in Spanish
Now we’re diving into the world of special animals in Spanish! These incredible creatures have unique features and behaviours that make them stand out in the animal kingdom. Check out this interesting list of animals in Spanish.
Nocturnal Animals in Spanish
- murciélago – bat
- búho – owl
- zorrillo – skunk
- tejón – badger
Migratory Birds in Spanish
- cigüeña – stork
- golondrina – swallow
- colibrí – hummingbird
- pato salvaje – wild duck
Reptiles and Amphibians in Spanish
- lagartija – lizard
- rana – frog
- sapo – toad
- salamandra – salamander
- camaleón – chameleon
Arctic Animals in Spanish
- oso polar – polar bear
- morsa – walrus
- foca – seal
Antarctic Animals in Spanish
- albatros – albatross
- foca leopardo – leopard seal
- petrel – petrel
- pingüino – penguin
Rainforest Animals in Spanish
- anaconda – anaconda
- piraña – piranha
- tarántula – tarantula
- boa constrictor – boa constrictor
We’ve explored many special animals, but there’s still more to learn! Let’s move on to our next group of animals, which includes some endangered species, insects, and even prehistoric creatures!
Other Spanish animals
As we continue our journey, let’s discover some other Spanish animals that include endangered species, insects, and even prehistoric creatures.
Endangered Animals in Spanish
- lobo ibérico – Iberian wolf
- tigre de Siberia – Siberian tiger
- gorila de montaña – mountain gorilla
- vaquita marina – vaquita porpoise
Insects in Spanish
- mariposa – butterfly
- abeja – bee
- hormiga – ant
- escarabajo – beetle
- saltamontes – grasshopper
- mosquito – mosquito
Prehistoric Animals in Spanish
- tiranosaurio rex – Tyrannosaurus rex
- triceratops – Triceratops
- pterodáctilo – Pterodactyl
- velociraptor – Velociraptor
- estegosaurio – Stegosaurus
If you’re excited to watch some videos all in Spanish, I found a super fun one that will help you learn more about dinosaurs! Check it out and enjoy!
We’ve now covered a wide range of animals in Spanish! But before we wrap up, let’s go over some additional tips for learning and practicing animal vocabulary.
Additional Tips For Learning And Practicing Animal Vocabulary In Spanish
Awesome work learning all these animal names in Spanish! Now, let’s explore some additional tips for learning and practicing animal vocabulary in Spanish to help you remember all these new words.
- Flashcards: Ask your mum, dad, or someone else to help you create flashcards with the Spanish name on one side and the English name on the other. Practice with a friend or family member, and see who can remember the most names!
- Drawing: Grab some paper and coloured pencils, and draw pictures of the animals you’ve learned. Ask a friend to join you and write the Spanish name next to each drawing to help reinforce your memory.
- Act it out: Play a game of charades where you act out different animals while others guess their Spanish names. Invite your friends or family members to play, and have a super fun time learning together!
- Storytelling: Make up stories with the new animals you’ve learned in Spanish. Share your stories with friends, family, or even your pet! This is a creative and entertaining way to practice using the animal names in sentences.
- Songs and videos: Sing along to catchy songs or watch entertaining videos about animals in Spanish with your friends or siblings. This helps make learning enjoyable and memorable.
- Memory game: You can play a fun memory game! Ask your mom, dad, or someone else to print out file with pictures of animals and their Spanish names below. Mix them up and place them face down. Now, you can play the game all by yourself or with a friend. Try to find matching pairs of cards by turning them over one at a time.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep learning and having fun with the exciting world of animals in Spanish. Good luck on your language journey!
Next Steps
Congratulations on learning so many amazing animals in Spanish! Knowing the names of these creatures is a fantastic way to expand your Spanish vocabulary and connect with the fascinating world around you.
Kids and adults alike can benefit from learning these new words and impressing others with their growing language skills.
Keep exploring, discovering, and practicing these fun animal names. Don’t forget to try out the activities and tips we’ve shared to make your learning journey even more exciting!
The more you practice, the easier it will be to remember all the wonderful animals you’ve learned in Spanish.
As you continue your language journey, always remember to have fun, stay curious, and never stop learning. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)
Now, are ready for more fun? Check out our article on How to sing the Happy Birthday song in Spanish and make your celebrations extra special!
How do you say animals in Spanish?
The word for animals in Spanish is “animales”.
What is animals in Spanish?
In Spanish, the word animals refers to “animales”. It includes all types of creatures, from pets to wild animals.
How do you spell animals in Spanish?
To spell the word animals in Spanish, you write “animales”